Kidney Health Awareness Month – March is more than just Green Beer

Hello! Hello!

How are things with you? Is March off to a good start? ????

So I think my sweet Mary Jane (kitty in the above photo) is having some teeth issues. I have an appointment with the vet. She refuses to eat dry food (which I keep out all day) and only wants soft/moist food (which I usually only give in the mornings). She has never had an issue with her dry food before so it makes me wonder if maybe she is having a hard time eating it. That is what makes me think it could be a dental issue. ????‍♂️

As I was doing some research into Mary Jane’s eating issues, I discovered that March is Kidney Health Awareness Month. Who knew? I didn’t. But seeing how prevalent kidney disease is among dogs and cats (especially senior cats) I thought I should do a little research and share my findings.

Have you ever really thought about why certain topics are highlighted during certain months of the year? My guess is to bring attention to issues that typically do not get much buzz. Even when issues are highlighted, however, they can still slide under the radar with barely a second thought. Hence how I just read today about March being National Kidney Awareness Month.

I could just let the topic slip away without even a mention but instead, I have decided to use this day to add my voice as a means of creating just a little more exposure to the subject.

Did you know that kidney disease is one of the major chronic ailments that senior cats develop? Sadly, it is also one of the major causes of death in senior felines.

If diagnosed and managed properly, however, an afflicted cat or dog can not only survive but live comfortably with it for quite a few years. Furthermore, with proper diet, kidney disease can be prevented.

First, let’s talk a little about kidney disease in cats and dogs.

  • It is known as CIN- Canine Kidney Failure in dogs and CRF- Chronic Renal Failure in cats.
  • It is more common in aging pets.
  • Though chronic renal failure occurs more often in cats, it definitely affects dogs as well.
  • One of the main causes in both cats and dogs is the usage of commercially packaged pet food. Consumption of toxins through these foods can result in kidney failure.

It is recommended to give a low- sodium, low- phosphorous diet to your dog or cat suffering from kidney failure.

Studies have suggested that if you feed a diet which is low in phosphorous then it may help in slowing the development of kidney failure as it reduces the mineral deposits in kidneys.

A customized diet is typically required based on individualized needs as indicated by the stage of disease along with urinalysis and blood tests results.

For a lot of animals, a homemade high-quality protein diet would be the healthier choice over  a low-protein option.

Click here ➡ ➡ ➡ Homemade Pet Food Ideas 

Click on the above link for ideas and general nutrition information for your pet. A lot of this information is geared towards dogs but with some tweaks, could also be used to prepare homemade cat food as well. 

Dry food should be avoided for pets with this disease, especially cats as they benefit tremendously from the hydration received through moist food options.

Omega 3 fatty acids nutritional supplements, frequently found in marine fish oil, have been shown to decrease this disease’s progression.

Vitamin E with omega 3 oils is also recommended as well as Vitamin C and B- complex which help refill the lost vitamins because of the failure of the kidneys in recycling and retaining these nutrients in the body.

As always though, if you suspect kidney issues with your pet, please consult your vet so a proper diagnosis can be obtained and a health plan can be put in place.

So after my research, I think I have decided to completely eliminate the dry food option for my cats. I will speak with the vet at our visit but I’m thinking regardless of the diagnosis, I will take this action and also look into preparing the cat food myself instead of buying commercial food. I have already been cooking for my dogs for a while so I just need to figure out how to tweak the recipes a little to make sure my cats get all of the necessary nutrition they require. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Don’t forget to click HERE if you need some ideas to start cooking for your pets.

I didn’t want to leave today without giving you a FREE gift. As we look towards springtime and Easter, use this adorable bunny rabbit notes page for all of your notes and lists. You know I LOVE writing down my ideas. And I especially love fun pages to write on.

Grab it here ➡ ➡ ➡ FREE Rabbit Notes Page

So cute, right?

And one last thing, since we have been talking about my cats. I just have to let you know about a true life-saver for me. It’s the Litter Robot. I admit, it is a little pricey but sooo worth it! Especially if you loathe litter boxes like I do.

Click here to check it out ➡ ➡ ➡ Litter Robot

*** This post may contain affiliate links but never at an additional cost to you.

So I guess that is it for now.

’til next time,

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