Election Day 2020

Hi Friend,

Just checking in… How are you?

Whether you live in the states or another part of the world, today is very significant. Emotions are all over the place. I see it on social media, the news, with friends; and I’m feeling it myself.

I can’t really put my finger on this feeling. Not sure if I have ever really experienced it before. Do you know what I mean?

It’s like anticipation but also trepidation; Hope but also gloom.

I’m checking in on you today because I feel like most of us are feeling the same.

But here is what I know…

We are all going to be okay; actually better than okay.

Say that again…

And you want to know how I know this? Because we were built to persevere. The United States was built on the backs of hardworking, innovative and hopeful people; people with BIG DREAMS; Dreams for ourselves and for future generations.

It’s an uncertain time for us. But however this ends up going, it really is just a blip in time.

No matter the winners we are all still family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and most importantly, Americans and global friends and allies.

So I guess I just really want you to know that I am holding space for YOU today. I wish I could reach across this virtual screen and give you a hug. We’ve all been through a lot this year.

If I can do anything for you, please let me know. I sincerely mean that. I will try to help you however I can. Send me a note. I’ll answer you.

’til next time,

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