Tell Your Goals Where To Go + Freebies

 Tell your goals where to go 

Hello and Happy 2021!

I’m sure by now you have been hearing all about the New Year’s Resolutions and the “Word” for the year and whatever else latest goal-setting trends for making your new year excellent.

Actually, I have nothing against setting resolutions. If that method helps you begin the process of implementing new and healthy behavior, then by all means – go for it!

However, as a rule, New Year’s resolutions are notoriously prone to failure. Every year, so many of us set goals for ourselves with great intention, only to find them unfulfilled when the end of December rolls around. For whatever reason, the fiery motivation and enthusiasm felt in January begins to wane and we fall off the wagon.

Many resolutions have something to do with fitness, health and physical improvement in general. This is abundantly evident by the wave of new people flooding the gym each January and the endless television commercials pushing the latest piece of fitness equipment promising that with their product, your body transformation will be a piece of cake (no pun intended).????

The problem with many New Year’s resolutions, especially pertaining to fitness, is that people set goals that are either not specific enough, not sustainable or based on unrealistic expectations.

That’s why it is important to tell your goals where to go. Just like with money; if you don’t have a clear budget in place for  spending and savings, your money just seems to go in any old direction. Have you noticed that?

If I make a trip to Target without a specific list of what I need, I swear I walk out having spent at least $100.00. And the worst part, by the end of the week, I couldn’t even tell you what I bought. ????‍♀️

So I decided to get really specific on just one particular goal I want to achieve this year. And best part, it will also benefit my fur baby.

For Christmas, I received a fabulous pair of hiking boots and I cannot wait to break them in. We live in North Carolina and only about an hour or so from some of the most beautiful hiking spots in the country, IMHO.

There are some great trails all along the foothills and mountains of North Carolina.

Hiking is a fabulous way of getting some exercise and being out in the fresh air, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

That being said, your fitness journey needs to be one that you enjoy. Human nature is inherently prone to avoiding unpleasant experiences and seeking enjoyment whenever possible.

Going to the gym and eating healthy can’t be a miserable endeavor, or you will not be consistent. Having fun while being disciplined and working hard can undoubtedly happen simultaneously!

I am planning to bring my pup along on my hikes because dogs love to go for walks, but they love to hike even more. The variety of terrain and smells is more interesting to the average dog. The natural surface is much easier on their feet than a concrete sidewalk. Hiking is a great stress reliever for dogs and humans.

Consider how much time wolves, coyotes, and foxes spend “hiking” each day. It’s a very natural activity for your dog. At one time, humans spent most of their day hiking, too.

So hopefully, not only will hiking be great and fun exercise for me, but it will also be beneficial for my dog. And added bonus, create an even stronger bond between us.

So my unsolicited advice is to get very detailed on your goal (tell your goal where to go) and make sure it is something you actually enjoy doing.

So my goal is spending more time hiking the beautiful North Carolina trails with my dog.

That sounds much more attainable (and fun) than simply commiting to run or walk everyday.

Give it a try. Brainstorm on some ideas that could work for you.

Need some help tracking your goals? If so, grab this⇒⇒⇒ 2021 yearly planner.

Here is the description:

Get ready to start planning the BEST YEAR of your life with this beautiful 2021 Journal/Planner. There are daily/weekly/monthly planner sections to record and track your goals. There are also pages for noting what is working for you, what’s not working and appropriate action steps. Do you like having all 12 months of the year on one convenient page? If so, you will love the quick-glance calendar page in this journal. There is also a page for documenting notes and a vision board page for including images of your dreams and wishes for the year. Download this beautiful journal/planner and get started brainstorming and recording those goals, dreams and desires for the new year.

This is a fun and productive activity for less money than a coffee drink.

Grab it⇒⇒⇒ HERE.

If you decide to use it, let me know what you have planned. I would LOVE to hear all about it.

If you would like to visit my store for some other ways to plan a fabulous and fun year with your family and fur babies,⇒⇒⇒  GO HERE.

If you still haven’t grabbed the FREE Doggie Cookbook, packed with fresh and wholesome recipes for your dog, make sure you grab it ⇒⇒⇒  HERE.

And lastly, one more FREE gift – Grab this fun and versatile Doggie Journal. It will keep you organized and provides space for documenting photos and special moments. No more digging through papers and files when you need to find important information on your pup. Get it for FREE ⇒⇒⇒ RIGHT HERE.

So I think that is all for today. You have several resources to get your new year started off with a BLAST of pure MAGIC!????

Can’t wait to see all you accomplish. Let me know if I can help!

’til next time,





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